What’s Your Favorite Color, and What Does It Say About You?

By: Natalie Summers

Blue: YOU ARE A GENIUS! Even though it doesn’t take a genius to know that this is the best color. You are funny. You are creative and social. You are smart but not so smart that people hate you. You have a few best friends but because of your outgoing nature and bravery, you have many friends and will remember them forever. Quite entertaining if I do say so myself. 

Purple: You’re cool and a little weird. You have a wonderful spirit and are not afraid to be who you are. This is a very good color just as you are a very good person, and will remain so for the rest of your life. Good job.

Pink: You have a big heart! You are sweet to everyone and have many friends that will take your side forever! You look fragile on the outside but no matter what, you are strong and powerful as is your mind. You are smart and have the power to get out of the things you hate most without making people angry or feel bad and that is a very hard thing to do. Your mind will keep expanding for years and years and it will bring you great problems but because of it, you get stronger.

Green: You’re cool. You have senses that make you special and powerful although you don’t quite know it. You will bring fabulous talents to the world that near no one else can copy and it proves challenging but rewarding.

Red: Pretty basic color if you ask me, but something about it makes it shine. You are just a little shy but overall pretty cool. You have friends that will stick by you and support you no matter how odd the things you say are. You want to fit in but that doesn’t make you change who you are and not something many know how to do.

Orange: You are fierce! Brave, bold! Nothing can block your confidence! Maybe just a little braggy but who isn’t and it only goes with how kind you are. You have one of the brightest minds and know how to bring people together in an epic way! The party truly isn’t started until you walk in.

Yellow: You have a soft, kind sort of nature that is relaxing. You can keep calm in situations where others go crazy. You are brilliant and can really think outside the box. If there’s anyone to be with when you’re mad, it’s gotta be you.

Teal: You’re weird but in a very cool, kinda chill way. You never take the hard way, even if it’s the right way, if there’s only the hard way, you make your own. You’re impressive and kind of a loner except for one close friend. You do a few clubs but in the end, it’s bed with chips and a phone.

Black: Very similar to teal, except you love to laugh with your friends and make very weird conversations that end up super funny.

White: You’re very open minded and wise. You have experience in many things and grow stronger and wiser each second. You see the smallest details in a second that anyone else would’ve stared at for years and never noticed. You live in the moment, but remember the past, never waiting for the future.

All of them: I guess you can’t make up your mind which makes sense since you’re very fickle. You’re always thinking of others but know what’s best for you. You’re very organized and never procrastinate. Fabulous person.

None of these: You are very intelligent. So much so that it drives others crazy. You can never answer a question with a simple answer. Instead, you try to use the biggest vocabulary you know. You are a great learner but act like you knew it better than anyone the whole time. Little annoying.

I don’t have one: You are adventurous and don’t focus on the unimportant things (apparently like having a favorite color). You are always open to new ideas and suggestions. Just a little forgetful but not so much that you can’t control yourself. You are bright and curious and it makes people smile.

The World, Society, and Humans: A Three Part Series

By: Wonder Matala

Part Two: Society

Well, society is a general topic but I’m talking about things like the government, politics, human rights, the law, and pretty general things that are well, ABSOLUTELY AWFUL

Let’s start off with the government. Ah, yes, our favorite.  We can always rely on big daddy government to help us sort our world and fight our wars and sure, they take our money once and awhile but it must be for a good reason, right? Sometimes but most of the time, no.

The government most of the time is either 1. Lying or 2. Lying even more. Especially the one person we decided to be in power. The President. The president is what we think to be the highest in power which is not really true. There are different things put in place to keep one person from getting too much power.

The government is also the one who enforces the laws they create. They’re basically gods with a limit. There’s the FBI, the military, and the police who they all have under control like a puppet on a string. The point is, the government has a lot of power and money and they fund wars which just cause more violence instead of helping the homeless and on the street. I know the government needs the money for everything important and all.

I think the government is a bunch of powerful people controlling their county, laughing while doing it. I think about all the homeless people and then the government and I think the government should just say they don’t care about them at this point since they don’t bother to help them, why bother to lie? It’s obvious you don’t care. Let’s go back to the president. OH MY GOD.

People I’m begging you. STOP electing senile old men to run our country. Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and literally most other presidents already have wrinkles on their face when we elect them. Isn’t the age for election 35? Donald Trump and Joe Biden are 77 and 81 years old respectively.

Why are the two most recent presidents so old? For all we know they could just clock out anytime while they’re elected. I’m tired of all these oldies running the country.  And specifically Biden and Trump. I’ll say this right now.

The ONLY reason Biden is elected right now is because how bad Trump messed up last he was elected. That is literally the only reason. I absolutely do not think Biden is the next step to make America great again. And on the topic of presidents, why aren’t there any female presidents yet? I would expect and few but none at all? Wouldn’t there be a ton of women trying to take the title of the first female president? They would go down in history. And Kamala Harris being vice president is a step but the staircase has 2.5 million steps. And we’re on step 100.

Politics. They’re all liars and power hunger monsters. I don’t know much about politics but most people say they suck. One thing I’ll just squeeze in here is war. Did you know that some places kidnap kids to fight in wars for them? The inhumanity in these people is crazy.

And there are a lot of wars which are about land and properties. It’s like your neighbor either telling you to get off their lawn, or saying your lawn is theirs. A very well known one is Ukraine and Russia. Yeah you know Russia? A pretty big guy at the top of the map. Well, he claims that Ukraine is his child but Ukraine is claiming that he’s adopted and wants to mature and have a new family. Russia didn’t like that and is trying to resort to discipline to teach Ukraine a lesson. I know I made that sound like a joke but it’s not. It’s pretty serious and Russia is just mad. Ukraine is trying to be independent and Russia is mad they’re losing their “land”. Poor Ukraine.

Moving on, there was this petty war (I think) that happened. Imagine this. You’re America, Yay! You have a bunch of land. Again, yay! But what’s this? You look up ahead and see this big, juicy, absolutely majestic piece of land. You must have it. But the land you’re looking at is Canada. They’re not gonna let you have it. Awww. 

But you must decide on a border. After a few arguments and backs and forths, you decide on a straight line. Now you have more land! As it should be because it’s your god given right. But there’s a problem.

There are islands that have no rule about who owns it. And of course, Canada wants it and so do you. After a few settling, animal threatening, pig shooting, and more, people went at it. Do you see my point? Just for a small piece of land, you were about to start a full on war.

 That’s really petty.  There are a lot of other wars like the punic war, the wars with Napoleon, and the wars in Japan but that would take 9 or so paragraphs to write. Also, side mention, the police aren’t as reliable as you think. They went to this old woman’s house where she and her caretaker were. And she said she was in danger because he threatened to kill her.

All they did was joke and complimented him about his gun collection. Then they left even though she begged them not to. She got murdered a few hours later. Truly sad. Tis is why law may be a nay.

Next is human rights. A lot of countries have different human rights or none at all. (Hi North Korea) All humans should have human rights. That’s a fact. But some countries don’t know what human rights are apparently since they act like some people don’t have them.

 I feel bad for those people who live in one of those countries who just do the stupidest things. And that leads me up to laws. Most laws are reasonable like murder, stealing, arson, and terrorist attacks are absolutely illegal and will get you in prison. I’m confused about the sentences though. I see sometimes that murder lands you a few years like about 10 but others get about 20.

 I know this has something to do with how you plead and how you act in court and the details of the crime but what do I know? I’m not a judge. Overall, the way we built this world is a bit weird and unstable. It’s not perfect but it’s keeping us alive.

Making a Clicker Game Using HTML and JavaScript

By: Nathaniel Cole

Do you ever wonder “How do I make a game with code?” This article is for you if you do (or even if you don’t!). I will show you how to write an HTML clicker game, and even make it look good in part 2!

Subsection 1; What is HTML

If you already know the syntax of HTML, you can skip to subsection 2, otherwise this will help you program even more games and start your programming journey! HTML consists of tags, which are <code>&lttag name&gt</code> some tags have special attributes that can be used by putting <code>&lttag name attributename=attribute&gt<code/> HTML is nested, which means you put tags in tags. If you want a more complicated overview of HTML please go to https://www.w3schools.com/html/

Some facts about HTML

  • HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language
  • HTML describes the structure of a webpage
  • The labels in HTML tags describe what the tag does

Important Tags

The tags we’ll be using are <code>&lth1&gt</code>, <code>&ltspan&gt</code>, and <code>&ltbutton&gt</code>. These tags are important because it’s all the tags we use. The h1 tag gives big text, the span element cannot create a new line when put in, this is useful for changing its data. The button tag is useful because it runs JavaScript code every time it’s clicked.

With these new tags, we can make a simple clicker game.

Creating HTML (the format)

The way I will display my HTML is by using it embedded, if you want to try your own at the bottom of this article there is a simple HTML viewer. All HTML has to have a &lthead&gt and &ltbody&gt tag. Your HTML will not need a body tag, because the HTML you will writing is in the body of the webpage, so start with what you would like to have inside the body. If you’re running a web server, you’ll need the full &lthtml&gt format.


Javascript is an important part of writing games, create dynamic HTML that can do anything to your will. With JavaScript, you can easily create clicker games and even more advanced games where you click and particles appear.

I’ll provide a simple understanding of JavaScript, but if you have any questions about functions you should look them up on MDN docs. Technically speaking, it’s for Mozilla Firefox, but for JavaScript functions, it all works as long as you have javascript ES7.

The functions and keywords we’ll use in our code are the following:

  • var | keyword | creates a variable of your name (var varname; or var varname = varvalue)
  • function | keyword? | creates a function of your name. Use braces ({}) to put the function’s code in it.
  • document | variable | document is the website
  • getElementById | function | part of document | func(idname) -> element

The code (writing)

Now we are ready to write the code. First, we need a way to see how many times we clicked, otherwise we may as well have a button that does nothing! We’ll put an <h1> tag. This will create big text. In the &lth1&gt we’ll have a &ltspan&gt which is inline (meaning it stays on the same line) Let’s put “clicks” into the &lth1&gt and make the spans ID “score.” Span has a default value you can put inside of the tag which shows before a javascript update. This means at the top of your webpage put “&lth1&gtClicks: &ltspan id=”score”&gt0&lt/span&gt&lt/h1&gt”

Now that the display is finished we can create the button you click. Buttons are created with the <button> tag. This will put something clickable that runs JavaScript on click. Lets use the function we’ll define as “clicked()” &ltbutton onclick=”clicked()”&gtClick me!&lt/button&gt

Now we need to write the javascript, which is usually the second hardest, the hardest being figuring out what to make! We want our JavaScript to do is in our “clicked()” function, it needs to increase the clicked by one and and update our span.

Lets create a variable telling use how many times you’ve pressed that button. To initialize the variable you need to use the “var” keyword. Now we make the clicked function for when the button is pressed. Increase the clicks by one then update the span. You need to get the element first, and you can do this by using document.getElementById. This will give you the element where you can change it’s text with the innerHTML property. Just set that to your clicks.

Now we’ve finished with our game! You can test your game out at the bottom if this page using my html renderer.

Here is the finished code!


<h1>Clicks: <span id=”score”>0</span></h1>

<button onclick=”clicked()”>Click me!</button>


var clicks = 0;

function clicked() {

clicks += 1;

document.getElementById(“score”).innerHTML = clicks;





<code>&lth1&gtClicks: &ltspan id=”score”&gt0&lt/span&gt&lt/h1&gt

&ltbutton onclick=”clicked()”&gtClick me!&lt/button&gt


var clicks = 0;

function clicked() {

clicks += 1;

document.getElementById(“score”).innerHTML = clicks;




Now for how you can test your own!

<textarea id=”code” placeholder=”type your code!”></textarea>

<p id=”rendered”>No code written</p>


setInterval(() => {

document.getElementById(“rendered”).innerHTML = document.getElementById(“code”).value;

}), 200);


The Evolution of FPS Games

By: Sam Miller

Ah yes, one of the biggest video game genres is the first person shooter game. It has gone through plenty of changes to make it to where it is now. One of the first true FPS games was Wolfenstein 3d released by id Software on May 5, 1992.  It is based on WWII and had lots of violence which is a trope in FPS games. Overall, it sold 250,000 copies and won many awards; it is the precursor to the later Doom.

Doom was released on  December 10, 1993, and has you slaying demons in facilities and other similar places. It was revolutionary and had numerous references to it made on tv shows, slashed sales production in half because of people playing it when they should be working, had tournaments based on it, and sold 3.5 million copies. Its first chapter was free with the rest costing real money. Later, id Software would go on to release Doom 2: “Heck” on Earth which was really just a level pack. Doom 2 added several new enemies and one new weapon; it sold 1.8 million copies.

 The next big FPS would be goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64 (or N64). It places you as James Bond in a series of missions to stop the Goldeneye satellite. This game was a big jump from Doom as it had full 3D models instead of just sprites. The game was developed by Rareware for the N64, it sold 8 million copies in the US.

The sixth generation of consoles would lead to a huge jump in FPS games with the most notable being Halo CE and COD 3. We’ll start with Halo CE which pioneered the FPS genre with it’s two stick controls that allowed for better movement and the multiplayer that paved the way for cod and other FPS games, it was developed by bungie and sold six million copies on the Xbox 360 and was called the Star Wars of gaming and featured a protagonist named Master Chief, a spartan super soldier fighting the evil alien race called the Covenant.

 The seventh generation of console would bring us Halo Reach, COD 4, and Metroid Prime Three which mainly took the storytelling and music to the max with better graphics too. Halo Reach was made by bungie and sold 20 million copies. The next game is COD 4 which was developed by Activision and sold 7 million copies. The final gam, Metroid Prime for the Wii, would use motion controls that provided better aim surprisingly. The protagonist samus aran bounty hunter who has been corrupted by this chemical called “phazon” she wants to stop the phazon from spreading to other planets while her evil doppelganger dark samus attempts to stop her. Developed by Nintendo for the Wii, it sold 1.3 million copies.

 In the eighth generation, the main FPS games were Halo 5 Guardians and Battlefield One. Halo Five was just a Halo game (I’ve run out of things to say about them) developed by 343 Industries for the Xbox One; it sold 9.5 million copies. The next game is Battlefield One. The campaign focuses on many different aspects of the war which gives the player many stories throughout the game. Everything from battles in Somme to the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey. Instead of focusing on one protagonist, Battlefield 1 focuses on multiple, which makes the game more unique from other FPS games.

 Now finally we have landed  in the ninth generation of consoles or the modern era. The best games are Apex Legends, Valorant, and COD: Modern Warfare 3. We’ll start with Apex Legends. It’s a battle royale game with “legends” who have distinct abilities. It was developed by Respawn Entertainment and Panic Button Games and has sold 130 million players. Next is Valorant which is a 5v5 game set in the near future. It’s kinda like Apex Legends, just not a battle royale. Finally COD: Modern Warfare 3. Developed by activision it has sold 30 million copies.

What Christmas Song Should Be #1?

By: Cece Marquez

In 1994, Marah Carey released the song All I Want For Christmas Is You. It was instantly a hit, but never placed first. Until 2019, when the song placed number one on Billboard Hot 100 for the month of December and stayed that way for four years!

Until December 2023, when Brenda Lee´s Rockin´ Around the Christmas Tree hit the top spot for the first time since its debut. In the end,  All I Want For Christmas Is You placed top spot for December after Brenda Lee got her 15 days of fame. 

Out of the three songs displayed on the graph, Last Christmas is severely underrated. It’s a classic party sound! But if you’re looking for other songs to add to your Christmas playlist from funny to comfy, here´s a list.

  •  Dominick the Donkey
  • Little Saint Nick
  • Feliz Navidad
  • Blue Christmas
  • Jingle Bell Rock
  • White Christmas
  • It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
  • Santa Claus is Coming to Town
  • It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

What a Day

A Story by Grace Keener

It was a blustery, cold day, too cold to go outside. You look wistfully out of the window, wishing you could enjoy the snow. As you sit by the window sniffling and sneezing you think of past days like this one. 

“Yay!” you exclaimed when your mother asked if you wanted to play in the snow.

When you walk outside the cold is almost unbearable but eventually, you get used to it. You and your mother play for hours having snowball fights, building snowmen, and even napping in a makeshift igloo. As you enter the house you bundle up by the fire and watch classic Christmas movies. 

Yes, what a day that was, and not much different than this one.

How to Make Your Own Weird Barbie!

By: Natalie Summers

  1. Chop off her hair using the hedge cutters in the garage. (or scissors if you’re, as the cool kids say, “a square”)
  2. Use the super glue marked “keep away from children” to keep that hair sticking up and spiky! Wait for it to dry.
  3. Go grab Mommy’s neon permanent markers to redo your weird barbie’s makeup! Bring it back to the 80’s!
    Note: (Keep the markers nearby, you’ll need them later)
  4. Get some neon and black paint and splatter the paint onto the dress. Remember, the messier the merrier!
  5. If the hair is dried, (or wet), use the neon markers to add some pink and green on some of the spikes.
  6. Use a black sharpie and scribble all over the shoes!!! I bet Ken will LOVE Barbie’s new look!
  7. Put your weird barbie in the splits, and, if you want, use the same super glue to secure her in the splits forever. Again, optional.
  8. Finally, to make it YOUR weird barbie, play with her too hard! Make her depressed by telling her about the real world.

Hope your weird barbie turned out . . . swell.