What’s Your Favorite Color, and What Does It Say About You?

By: Natalie Summers

Blue: YOU ARE A GENIUS! Even though it doesn’t take a genius to know that this is the best color. You are funny. You are creative and social. You are smart but not so smart that people hate you. You have a few best friends but because of your outgoing nature and bravery, you have many friends and will remember them forever. Quite entertaining if I do say so myself. 

Purple: You’re cool and a little weird. You have a wonderful spirit and are not afraid to be who you are. This is a very good color just as you are a very good person, and will remain so for the rest of your life. Good job.

Pink: You have a big heart! You are sweet to everyone and have many friends that will take your side forever! You look fragile on the outside but no matter what, you are strong and powerful as is your mind. You are smart and have the power to get out of the things you hate most without making people angry or feel bad and that is a very hard thing to do. Your mind will keep expanding for years and years and it will bring you great problems but because of it, you get stronger.

Green: You’re cool. You have senses that make you special and powerful although you don’t quite know it. You will bring fabulous talents to the world that near no one else can copy and it proves challenging but rewarding.

Red: Pretty basic color if you ask me, but something about it makes it shine. You are just a little shy but overall pretty cool. You have friends that will stick by you and support you no matter how odd the things you say are. You want to fit in but that doesn’t make you change who you are and not something many know how to do.

Orange: You are fierce! Brave, bold! Nothing can block your confidence! Maybe just a little braggy but who isn’t and it only goes with how kind you are. You have one of the brightest minds and know how to bring people together in an epic way! The party truly isn’t started until you walk in.

Yellow: You have a soft, kind sort of nature that is relaxing. You can keep calm in situations where others go crazy. You are brilliant and can really think outside the box. If there’s anyone to be with when you’re mad, it’s gotta be you.

Teal: You’re weird but in a very cool, kinda chill way. You never take the hard way, even if it’s the right way, if there’s only the hard way, you make your own. You’re impressive and kind of a loner except for one close friend. You do a few clubs but in the end, it’s bed with chips and a phone.

Black: Very similar to teal, except you love to laugh with your friends and make very weird conversations that end up super funny.

White: You’re very open minded and wise. You have experience in many things and grow stronger and wiser each second. You see the smallest details in a second that anyone else would’ve stared at for years and never noticed. You live in the moment, but remember the past, never waiting for the future.

All of them: I guess you can’t make up your mind which makes sense since you’re very fickle. You’re always thinking of others but know what’s best for you. You’re very organized and never procrastinate. Fabulous person.

None of these: You are very intelligent. So much so that it drives others crazy. You can never answer a question with a simple answer. Instead, you try to use the biggest vocabulary you know. You are a great learner but act like you knew it better than anyone the whole time. Little annoying.

I don’t have one: You are adventurous and don’t focus on the unimportant things (apparently like having a favorite color). You are always open to new ideas and suggestions. Just a little forgetful but not so much that you can’t control yourself. You are bright and curious and it makes people smile.

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