Video Game Review: The Evolution of Graphics

By: Sam Miller

Aw yes, classic video games: the hard difficulty, limited storage, janky controls and most of all bad graphics.

It all started back in ye olde days. Tennis for Two made by Robert Dvorak had LED lights that would light up to make the game. The next big game would be Pong which had similar gameplay with just no net and you view it from the top. This game is regarded as the first video game for some reason, this game was different  and used actual sprites.

Next would be Space Invaders which would use more complicated models. There would be no update to the graphics until 1987 when a 16 bit console would be introduced by Sega and Turbografx. The 16 bits would allow for more complicated sprites using more bits in more detail just look at Super Mario Bros. sprites compared to Super Mario World sprites.

Then a game released that shook the video game world Doom. Doom used sprites that would scale up as they got closer using ray tracing. Then after that 3d models would rise along with the N64 and Ps1. The 3d models were made with polygons instead of little pixels. The original 3d models where uh- yeah just look up N64 games.

After the fifth gen, the sixth gen was upon us and it brought just more polys… yeah that’s graphics. What, what’s that? You want me to go on huh oh okay i’ll do that. I’ll just keep rambling. So the sixth gen was a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig jump from blocky blobs to realistic shapes but uh the textures are uh GARBAGE! Then came which had better graphics and more polys and uh you can see where this is going…

The eighth gen had more polys, better textures and HD. then ninth gen was just more polys and pixels and it used ray tracing for better lighting and I think shadows. That’s where we are now! Uh yeah, graphics have changed drastically from sprites to the blocky models of the N64 to the realistic as heck modern games.

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