
By: Isobel Gaedtke

Thanking and giving
Dancing and singing

I love the feast,
The warm mashed potatoes,
The bread filled with yeast
And made with all doughs

The smell of pumpkin fills the air
As kids sit in a circle and take turns with dares

We sit at a table filled with warm treats
And a delicious feast
We talk and laugh,
Taking our time

Family together,
Loving each other forever

Memories are sweet and unique
They help us understand all we seek
But memories don’t define us
We should never make a fuss

Chances are earned
Useless memories are burned

But thanksgiving reminds us
Of all that we are grateful for
To remember those who fought in the war
Afraid of doing less and instead doing more

I am grateful for my happiness and I stand for those who have less

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