The Legend of Ghosts

By: Avery Hanlon and Cece Marquez

As Halloween is just around the corner we prepare to sit around a campfire and tell ghost stories. Ghosts being a spooky topic, ghost stories can give you the chills. But we are left with one question: are ghosts and their stories…real?
Well, no one really knows for sure, but many have very strong beliefs about ghosts. Others are very superstitious when it comes to the topic of ghosts and some refuse to believe in them at all.

The basic idea of ghosts is people from the afterlife who come back to earth to scare people or simply just, hang out. They are said to be white possibly translucent or even invisible. Many people enjoy making up stories to tell their friends and family to scare them. I will be sharing a ghost story with you all just for fun that I paraphrased from

It was late at night and “Uncle Joe” was driving home when he encountered a girl. She was apparently very friendly and uncle Joe decided she would drive her home. They rolled up to her house and she went inside. The next day uncle Joe looked in his car and realized that the girl had left her sweater behind. Since he knew where her house was he drove it back there. He rang the doorbell and an elderly lady answered. He explained why he was there and the lady was confused. She told him that he was wrong and there must have been some sort of mistake, for her daughter had died in a car crash years ago.

Once again we are left with the same question: so are ghosts really real? And while we don’t have an exact answer we all have ideas. So I will be interviewing a couple students to answer our question.

“I believe in ghosts because there have been a lot of spooky things that have happened in the past all over the place. Why are graveyards so spooky? It’s because of ghosts, because dead people are living there.” – Isobel Gaedtke

“I do actually because one time my dad had a story that he told me where his friend and his friend’s kid was talking to literally nothing in a house. My dad knew that his friend wouldn’t lie to him, so yeah – I believe in ghosts a little bit.” – Camden Mitchell

“I do believe in ghosts. I’ve always believed in them. I don’t know how or why I’ve come into that but I’m really into the supernatural, the paranormal and just trying to figure out what is beyond us.” -Mr. Guzman

“Right now I do not. I do not believe in ghosts and that once people die they’re not just floating around. I believe they just, you know.” – Miss Berry

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