NASA and FEMA to Take Action on Climate Change

By: Daisy Lewis

NASA and FEMA have recently announced that they will be working together in order to create a climate action series. They will be hosting four parts of the series which is releasing this October. Their main goal is to address climate change.

Climate change has had a big impact on our world, especially over the past couple of years. When greenhouse gases are released into our earth’s atmosphere, it traps radiation from the sun. It causes average temperatures to rise as well as extreme weather events. Droughts, storms, heat waves, and rising sea levels are all some effects of climate change. When things like this happen, glaciers can melt and oceans can heat up, causing damage to animals and their habitats. 

Luckily many people have stood up against climate change and helped educate the public about ways to help. Reducing water waste and powering homes with renewable energy are just a few examples of what we can do to help stop climate change. It’s important to help the animals, but if we don’t speak up about these issues, climate change will affect all of us. Food production could go down, causing prices to go up. Infectious diseases could even start spreading. 

The series has already come out with all four parts, the first being released on October 6th, and the last on October 27th. The series focused a lot on how both NASA and FEMA see climate action being talked about in the future. They also wanted to make sure that their series inspired others to take steps in trying to help protect our planet. 

The connection between the two organizations was made possible by the Resilient Nation Partnership Network, a network to help communities take action and become more aware of natural disasters. Over 600 organizations have been a part of this program, and working together they are determined to help educate the world about climate change and find new and efficient ways to help with all the negative effects.  

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