The Problem with TikTok

By: Tyler Cappa and Sofia Marquez

In a world where social media controls the world, one app in particular can influence millions of people into doing things, for better or for worse: TikTok.

TikTok is one of the biggest social media apps having over 2 billion downloads and 65 million active users in the U.S. alone. One of the latest trends is where you steal the soap dispenser from your school’s bathroom. Kids went crazy during this TikTok trend, stealing thousands upon thousands of school supplies and soap dispensers. They even went as far as stealing sinks, toilets, and paper towel holders too. 

TikTok may cause serious depression and anxiety in teens. It could cause less sleep and could give you a bad self-image. According to Common Sense Media, the parents of TikTok users, you should be at least 15 to use TikTok. Although some parents think that you should be at least 15, some kids younger than 8 still use TikTok anyway. 

 With TikTok promoting new products from various companies with price ranges from 10 cents to 10,000 dollars, the app tries to persuade people into buying things they don’t need. TikTok is an emerging cause of overconsumption. With new trends and micro-trends coming every day, keeping up with the new style or latest technology can lead to buying too much. 

Micro-trends are trends that last no more than a week, usually. Due to micro-trends, fast fashion shops have been doing great. Even though most people know the damage fast fashion has on the fashion industry, they still purchase from well-known brands such as Shein, Yesstyle, and Aliexpress. Shein is by far the most popular fashion company, making millions of dollars every month. Using child labor to make their products, using bad sources for materials and fabrics, their clothes not only don’t last long but also are terrible for the environment.

4 thoughts on “The Problem with TikTok

  1. This is so great! Good job on addresing hard topics, that children love these days. DON’T SUPPORT FAST FASHION!!!

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