Harry Potter: Books or Movies?

By: Lizzy Good and Daisy Lewis

The Harry Potter novels and movies are very well-received and well known around the world. With over five hundred million published books in over eighty languages, and the commonly known films, Harry Potter is a name you may hear frequently. However, along with this enjoyable franchise, there is one recurring debate – are the books or movies more pleasing? Today, we are here to discuss and somewhat settle this notorious debate by stating our opinion.

Some of the great things about the Harry Potter novels are that they are a favorite worldwide. They really can open someone’s imagination, as well as giving them creativity in the field of visualization. They have also been a large impact on many people’s lives, mostly because a lot of adults read them as children.

The Harry Potter film series, in our personal opinion, did a considerable job on characterizing some cast members with great attention to detail. They looked almost identical and how you would have pictured them. Some may even say they took the image straight out of there head! Additionally, many individuals enjoy how the films portray some of the very action-packed scenes, such as The Battle of Hogwarts.

Our opinion is that the Harry Potter book series is more pleasing to read. We are not saying that the films are bad, though there are some things that we dislike about them. One thing that seemed like a big miss in the movies, was that due to the nature of turning the novel into a film, some important scenes had to be left out. This is quite disappointing from a viewer’s standpoint, but from a producer’s standpoint, they had no choice. Additionally, another small thing they missed was the relevance of the characters. They took out characters that we felt were important to the plot. 

Overall, both the Harry Potter book series and the film franchise are well – received and great, but we enjoy the novels more significantly. There are pros and cons to both sides of the story, but we would recommend them both.

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